Hi, I am Georgia Gkolfinopoulou

A Greek citizen living in London. I resonate with citizens of the world rather than my nationality and the top priority on my bucket list is living at least a year in as many counties as possible.

I am a member of the International Coach Federation

Georgia Gkolfinopoulou
Business Growth
0 %
Personality Impact
0 +
Net Income
0 %

Who am I ?

I am a generalist, with a focus on brand and product development. Usually, you’ll find me behind a screen researching and reading about start-ups, tech, women empowerment, innovation, entrepreneurship and community engagement. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to accelerate until proven otherwise. So far, it hasn’t. I am mission and purpose-driven and I am determined to be the change she wants to see in the world.

My passion is help you find your way out.

passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion and entrepreneurship. Georgia holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media from the National University of Athens and a MSc in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from Middlesex University.


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