Hi, I am Cinzia Nitti

An Italian and humanitarian communication and culture dialogue specialist. I have a Communication Sciences background, a Diploma in Human Resources, and a Master’s Degree in International Functions and Development Cooperation.

I am a member of the International Coach Federation

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Who am I ?

I have been collaborating with “HR Revolution Middle East Magazine” since 2018 as a journalist and interviewer, and now I am the Supervising Editor of “The Good Reader – Italian CulturArt Blog”.

I am also a freelance Digital PR, Journalist, and translator at HR and Leadership & Development-related International Conferences, mainly in Dubai and Rome. 

Also a curious learner, gypsy wanderer, bibliophile. Overall: a fork in a world of soups.

The guys behind the curtains.

My passion is help you find your way out.

Passionate about the Empathetic and Cross-Cultural communicative side of Humans. I am enthusiastic to lead and develop teams that add value and spread awareness about the NGOs world.


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