Working with values of unity, humanity, collaboration, innovation and evolution, NGOs Today’s main mission is to build community leaders on an individual and organizational level in order to evolve with the economy.
To become an essential partner to all active NGOs and community leaders worldwide, inspiring and leading a global environmental, social and economic development.
Business Growth
Personality Impact
Net Income
How we can impact.
Our approach
NGOs Today is specialized in media, consulting and training, working towards the sustainable development goals and dedicated to develop the society through empowering NGOs and CSR activities worldwide by working with non-profit, corporate and youth through the following activities:
Co-launching new development projects
Interviewing community leaders in corporate, governmental and non-profit sectors
Providing management consulting and training services to the non-profit sector
Supporting NGOs and NPOs to find the right candidates with the suitable talent assessment tools
Providing CSR and philanthropy consulting and project management services to corporate
Publishing articles and white papers on best practices in the industry.
Highlighting the community initiatives and achievements in profit and non-profit organizations through NGOs Today online magazine
Connecting youth with suitable NGO/NPO opportunities
We cooperate with.
Always work together.
If you have any questions,
feel free to e-mail us
Community development activists, visionary leaders, researchers and consultants have gathered from diverse countries in order to co-found NGOs Today.